

846 Uppsatser om Essential tremor - Sida 1 av 57

Självskattad funktion av röst och tal hos patienter med essentiell tremor efter behandling med Deep Brain Stimulation : En jämförelse mellan patienter stimulerade i caudala zona incerta och en frisk kontrollgrupp

SammanfattningBakgrund: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) i nucleus ventralis intermedius i thalamus (VIM) eller caudala zona incerta (cZi) ger goda effekter på tremorsymptomen för patienter med essentiell tremor. Patienterna som behandlats med DBS kan få bieffekter som i vissa fall leder till talpåverkan, så kallad stimuleringsinducerad dysartri. Huruvida det finns risk för bieffekter som drabbar röstens funktion hos patienter med essentiell tremor saknas studier kring men man vet att grundsjukdomen kan påverka rösten akustiskt samt att vissa patienter utvecklar rösttremor. Att drabbas av en bieffekt efter DBS kan ha en inverkan på hur patienten subjektivt upplever resultatet av behandlingen.   Mål: Att undersöka om patienter med essentiell tremor som genomgått DBS subjektivt upplever någon form av röst- eller talbesvär jämfört med en frisk, ålders- och könsmatchad kontrollgrupp. Metod: I studien deltog sammanlagt 42 deltagare varav 21 tillhörde en patientgrupp med essentiell tremor som genomgått DBS i cZi och de övriga 21 tillhörde en frisk, ålders- och könsmatchad kontrollgrupp. Deltagarna i de båda grupperna fick fylla i två formulär, RHI som berör röstens funktion och SOFT som berör talets funktion.

Anses endast ett bostadsinnehav tillräckligt för att medföra väsentlig anknyting till Sverige?

When unlimited tax liability exists, the individual is liable for all income, both which originates from other countries as well as from Sweden. In order for unlimited tax liability to exist the individual needs to either be considered a resident in Sweden, have habitual abode here or if previous residence existed, that the essential linkage still consists. To determine whether an essential linkage exists, the factors set out in the third chapter 7 § IL shall be considered, an overall assessment of all relevant circumstances must be made. In case law however, it appears that three of the factors have been given greater importance, one of which is the factor residence for year-around use, which includes both residence for permanent use and residence used for recreational purposes. The question raised in this thesis is whether the factor residence for year-round use is still regarded as a sufficiently strong basis to independently induce essential linkage for the taxpayer.A big difference between the two housing types exists.

Väsentlig anknytning : Betydelsen av bostad och väsentligt inflytande i näringsverksamhet för individens skattemässiga status

In Sweden a person is either unlimited or limited liable to tax. It is important to define this status since the consequence of being unlimited liable to tax according to chapter 3 § 8 Swedish income tax law (1999:1229) is imposed tax on every revenue from Sweden and overseas. When deciding the fiscal status Sweden uses the principle of domicile which makes the home of the taxable person important.Despite domilication in another country a person can be considered to have such bonds to Sweden that they still should be unlimited liable to tax here. During the development of the Swedish communal tax law (1928:370) the term essential linkage was introduced. There are numerous factors which can affect this assessment but in case-law some factors have been considered more important than others.

Angelica archangelica L.

Angelica archangelica (Garden angelica) is the only Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) with a Nordic origin. The plant can reach up to three meters when cultivated. Angelica archangelica is used as flavouring in additives, honey, beverage base, essential oils, fol-klore medicine and as ornamental for decorative purposes. Commercial cultivation is mainly focused on root production. Production countries are Poland, Netherland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and former Czechoslovakia with an overall yearly world production of 1000 kg of essential oils.

Dubbel bosättning : Bostadens betydelse vid flytt från Sverige

The Swedish tax on income for persons who are unlimited liable to tax is based on his domicile and double taxation treaties between Sweden and other countries are based on his residence. In order to determine a person?s tax liability, the dwelling or home is of vital importance to determine where a person has his domicile and residence.For a person who has moved from Sweden, to be unlimited tax liable here, there must be an essential link. This link can be through previous residence in Sweden, the person is not a permanent residence in a foreign country, in possession of housing for year-around-use or in possession of house property.Sweden has concluded double tax agreements with other countries for the reason to prevent double taxation on the same income. When a taxpayer may be regarded as a resident in two states, the situation must be resolved to avoid that double taxation will arise.

Jämförelse av plackutbredningen under fyra veckor hos individer som kompletterar sin mekaniska tandrengöring med munsköljning innehållande antingen essenslösning eller CPC samt upplevelser av smak och känsla i munnen - en pilotstudieComparison of plaquef

The aim of this pilotstudy was to compare the plaqueformation during four weeks in individuals using a mouthrinse containing either essential oils (Listerine Cool Mint) or CPC (Colgate Total) as a complement to their ordinary toothbrushing. Another purpose was to evaluate the individual?s experiences regarding taste and sensation in the mouth after rinsing. A semiblind, clinical pilotstudy was conducted in 20 individuals at a university in southern Sweden. According to a screening-plaqueindex the individuals were stratified into two intervention-groups of ten people, one group rinsing with essential oils and one group with CPC twice daily as a complement to their toothbrushing routine.

Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen

In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment.There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law.The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority?s documented directions within the tax assessment.Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

Effekten av arktiskt klimat på inre kvalitet hos bär

This project is a literature study with the hypothesis that Arctic climate has a positive effect on the accumulation of metabolites in berries. Plant metabolites are often divided into primary and secondary metabolites. Primary metabolites such as proteins and nucleic acids are essential for cell function, while secondary metabolites are often non-essential, but have important functions regarding reproduction and survival. The berries mentioned in this project are from the families Ericaceae, Rosaceae, Elaeagnaceae och Grossulariaceae.The conclusion drawn from this literature study is that it is not obvious what favours accumulation of metabolites in berries. Other factors aside from climate affect the production of secondary metabolites, such as time of harvest, cultivars and ripeness.

Att bli framgångsrik musikartist : De karaktäristiska dragen i marknadsföringen av artister

The research this report is based on aims to find out the characteristic features of the marketing tools that are essential for a music artist, and define a successful artist. The thesis arises and discusses how different medias can have an affect on an artists career and on his/hers achievement. To bee seen in the right medias can have an important influence on their career. To be able to answer our aim we have interviewed people who have a solid knowledge about music business, we have also used a qualitative method. The outcome of the research is that there are some indications that show important factors which are essential when it comes to marketing artists.

Parkinsons sjukdom - Inte bara ett fysiskt funktionshinder

Parkinsons sjukdom är en kronisk och progredierande neurologisk sjukdom. Sjukdomen kan beskrivas som en samling symtom snarare än en sjukdom med en tydlig klinisk bild. Karakteristiskt för sjukdomen är tremor, hypokinesi samt rigiditet. Detta leder till en försämrad motorisk förmåga. Parkinsons sjukdom påverkar inte bara personens fysiska funktioner utan även det psykiska välbefinnandet.

The Digital Content Era

In order to become even more competitive, a partnering with other niche players is essential in achieving a competitive advantage and it enables opportunities for reintermediation. From an intermediate perspective, there are great possibilities for those who become content coordinators to enter the market. By becoming a bundler of services and products, the content coordinators will become the actors that will capture the most profit in the value web. The value creating drivers that have been identified in the business landscape of intermediates concern owning the content or owning the customer relationship. We find the possibilities of an intermediate actor, such as a content coordinator to achieve competitive advantage through strategic fit is subject to the context and the ability of creating more innovative and co-creative distribution systems.

Utförande av dagliga aktiviteter vid astma

Bakgrund: Exoskeletten uppfanns för användning inom militären, men forskning och utveckling av den här robottekniken har öppnat en möjlighet även till användning i rehabiliteringssyfte. Syfte: Att beskriva exoskelett för övre extremitet, ändamålet till vilket dessa används inom rehabilitering för personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar, samt värdet av att använda dem. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie. De databaser som användes var Amed, Cinahl och Medline. Genom en kombination av olika sökord resulterade sökningen i 11 artiklar som inkluderades i studien.

Exoskelett som hjälpmedel inom rehabilitering för personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar

Bakgrund: Exoskeletten uppfanns för användning inom militären, men forskning och utveckling av den här robottekniken har öppnat en möjlighet även till användning i rehabiliteringssyfte. Syfte: Att beskriva exoskelett för övre extremitet, ändamålet till vilket dessa används inom rehabilitering för personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar, samt värdet av att använda dem. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie. De databaser som användes var Amed, Cinahl och Medline. Genom en kombination av olika sökord resulterade sökningen i 11 artiklar som inkluderades i studien.

Man kan inte göra mer än att rösta - en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av sitt deltagande i demokratin.

Participation of the people is essential for a democracy's vitality and survival. In this study we focus on the individual as an active participant in the traditional political arena and beyond its sphere into the society as a whole. The first part of the study has a normative aim. Firstly we examine why political participation is essential for democracy, and especially the ideal of representative democracy and the restricted passive participation of its citizens in comparison to the ideal of participatory democracy and its ideal of an active participant in all aspects of society. An ideal participant is drawn up to set the course for the empirical part of the study.

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